23 June 2008

7 web design basic

The suggestions below are targeted at novice web designers and
people that can use some basic advice to get things going.

Tip 1 - Use a reference (but don't copy it!)
If you see an interesting web design, color scheme or layout,
try to use it as a starting point for your own web design.

Tip 2 - Be unique
Try to create a unique design. Do not overdone your web design
by adding numerous animated GIFs, fade-ins, etc.

Tip 3 - Content is king

Create content that purely relates to your website,
the more pages with useful content you have the better.
Make the body text on your index page focused and avoid
the need for the user to scroll down on any page.

Tip 4 - Graphical elements

Any Graphics that you use on the website should always
support the content and never dominate the content.

Tip 5 - Be HTML-compliant

Follow the proper HTML standards and check whether your
website is HTML-compliant, to make sure that your website
is displayed correctly in all browses.

Tip 6 - File size

Make sure that your site is quick to load in any browser.
There are obviously a number of factors that can affect
how quickly a website loads, but try to make sure that
large file sizes isn't one of them.

Tip 7 - Colorsheme

Use a colorscheme of matching colors.
Avoid excessive use of shouting colors such as green, yellow, or red.

p/s - aku pn still beginner lagi.kene byk belaja klau nk jd mantab!!

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